Mrs. E's Fresh Rolls - Order by 10/13 for Pickup 10/16 - Proceeds Go to the School

15097Order Fresh, Homemade "Kindergarten Rolls" by the dozen or half dozen for pickup on Mondays,

Current Order Window: Order by 10/13 for Pickup 10/16.

All proceeds go to the school!

Mrs. English, our Parent-Child teacher, Music & Orchestra teacher, and Lunch Program Coordinator Extraordinaire makes these melt-in-your-mouth rolls, always from scratch! These are offered as an extension of the lunch program.

Pick up your orders at either 12:30PM or 3:30PM (just select a time when ordering.)

$5 per HALF DOZEN / $10 per DOZEN

Bulk roll orders for Monday, October 16th can be placed online, here.

Please place your order by Friday, October 13. If you need to order last minute, please contact Elizabeth directly to ensure extra are available. Thank you!

On a related note: children can enjoy a roll on soup Mondays, even if they bring lunch from home. Rolls can be ordered individually for your child's lunch, with our without a lunch order. You will see the option on the lunch order form.

Morgan Branson
Morgan Branson
Articles: 1698