Food Drive & Pantry Walk - Donations Appreciated

Da Vinci Waldorf School is partnering with the Wauconda/Island Lake Food Pantry to provide donations to build up their offerings for the colder months. During this season of Michaelmas, we focus outward beyond ourselves to the needs of others. As part of our Service Learning curriculum we give the children opportunities for deeds that engage their wills and challenge them to think of others. We will collect donations from students, parents and the community from now until Thanksgiving break.

Each Friday in October and November the grade school
students and teachers will walk to the food pantry, housed
at the Township Offices just down the street, to
deliver what we have collected during the week.

Every student in the school (including early childhood) is invited and encouraged to bring in one item per week between now and Thanksgiving—of course even more donations are always welcome! This is a very good way to engage your children in the spirit of giving and get them excited about our weekly endeavor.

Please place donations in the basket/bin just inside the front doors of the school.

After Thanksgiving, our Fourth and Fifth Graders will be collecting donations for and visiting the Food Pantry on Fridays throughout the entire school year. Please keep your donations coming weekly, as you are able!

Items specifically requested: diapers, feminine hygiene products, peanut butter, tuna, soups, macaroni and cheese, and cereal. Even fresh produce is welcome!

Our first walk to the Food Pantry will be this Friday, 10/5!

Do you recognize any of these faces from a Pantry Walk in 2014?

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Morgan Branson
Morgan Branson
Articles: 1698