DVWS Giving Circle

Have you heard about the DVWS Giving Circle? It is a unique way to give charitable dollars and have a say in how they are spent. Like all non-profits, our school needs your support to meet its mission, but we also want your involvement. A portion of donations received will be spent at the direction of Giving Circle members.
Your gift at any level makes you, or a designated person, a member of the DVWS Giving Circle. We will meet, share our ideas, and decide together how the money should best be spent to meet the school’s needs. This process is a mirror of the Shared Gifting model developed by the Rudolf Steiner Social Finance group. See the Shared Gifting process in action. This process is inspiring, informative and builds a community of collective action and shared trust.

Become a part of the new face of giving at DVWS by making a gift or pledge by January 10, 2016.

Click here for a printable pledge card or to make a gift online immediately, via PayPal.

Every gift is appreciated. Those giving $500 or greater will be recognized as Cornerstone Members of the Giving Circle. All donations are tax-deductible.

Thank you for considering our school for your gift dollars this year!

Morgan Branson
Morgan Branson
Articles: 1688