Why are we doing it this way?
After years of experience with Shared Gifting through the Rudolf Steiner Finance grant, we wanted to bring this model to our community to change the the way donors are involved in the uses and direction of their gifts. A true community spirit is kindled when each person is given a voice in the activity of the school. This is the second year for the Giving Circle. It replaced our traditional Annual Fund Campaign last year.
How does it work?

The fund

Tax-deductible gifts to the Giving Circle create a fund that will be administered by the donors (you!). The fund is made up of all gifts after the initial $6,000 (for the operating budget).

The ideas

All Giving Circle donors will be asked for proposals for their ideas which will be presented in advance of the Circle during a March meeting. If they do not submit a proposal they will still participate in the process by funding others' ideas.

The meeting

  • At the meeting (which is like a fun game show) the fund is distributed equally among all the donors. No matter the amount of the gift, everyone will receive the same amount.
  • Proposed items (such as increased programming, curb appeal projects, classroom or play yard improvements) will be written across the top of a chart on the chalkboard. The number of items could be as many as there are donors, but likely will be narrowed down to around ten.
  • Each donor offers their funds to the item(s) of their choice. As the process continues, the original amounts can be moved by the donor until everyone is satisfied. It is possible that some items will be fully funded, that some will be partially funded or that some with be withdrawn.
  • Partially-funded ideas can be rolled over with their funds and held for the next year. Circle members may also choose to add to the fund with further donations in order to fully fund a project.
Additional details
  • Every gift is a voice. Your gift at any level makes you, or person you designate, a member of the DVWS Giving Circle.
  • Donors giving $500 or more will be recognized as Cornerstone Members.
  • All donors will be listed as members of the Giving Circle in the Weekly News and annually in the foyer.
  • The operating budget need for the fund is $6,000 and as of 12/13/2016, gifts exceeded this amount! That means that all gifts going forward will go to your ideas on the chalkboard, so start thinking about what you’d like do for the school and for our students!
  • Anyone can be a Giving Circle member- parents, teachers, staff, community members, businesses, friends, and family!
  • As long as the proposed ideas are in line with the school’s mission and long-range plans, they will be considered.


Click here for a printable pledge card or to make a gift online immediately, via PayPal.Givingcircleyes3b

Please join by giving a gift of any amount by January 13th February 3rd.

Thank you for considering our school for your gift dollars this year!

Morgan Branson
Morgan Branson
Articles: 1698