Da Vinci Waldorf School CLOSED Tomorrow — Monday, January 28th

Dear Da Vinci Waldorf School Parents:

Due to the forecast of snow overnight and into the morning, school will be closed tomorrow, Monday, January 28. This snowstorm will be followed by extreme cold temperatures, which we will continue to monitor.

This school year we have two inclement weather days built into our calendar. As we have already taken one day and will take another day tomorrow, any subsequent days will require us to be in session during our optional school days later in the year. Friday, April 19 and Monday, April 22 have been set aside for this purpose and will be regular attendance days should we cancel school in the future. More details to follow.

Please stay safe and warm, and we hope to see you at school soon!

Christine Grafft
Da Vinci Waldorf School

Morgan Branson
Morgan Branson
Articles: 1698