Community Discussion - This Wednesday, 10/16 @ 7PM - Please RSVP

AllschoolcommunitydiscussionThe governance in Waldorf schools is much different than that of public schools or other businesses. Come join us on Wednesday, October 16th for an open conversation of how our school is governed, and please bring your questions!

Please RSVP, especially if you need childcare. Arrowtiny2 e1531499479749

  • Who's Who and What Do They DO?
  • Governance Overview: Board, Faculty, Admin, Committees, PTO
  • Where to plug in - Parent Participation
  • Policy/Programming discussion: Idling in the Parking Lot, Before School Care
  • Overview Report from Community Survey Project: We Heard YOU!

We are not a community without you, so we hope at least one parent will attend from each family!

Morgan Branson
Morgan Branson
Articles: 1698