Community Conversation

In anticipation of our Community Conversation on Wednesday, October 20th, we are sharing the Strategic Goals that were identified last year and which we have begun accomplishing. 

We will be talking about these goals, our success measures and initiatives to reach these goals more fully on Wednesday. 

Strategic Plan - 2020-2024

  • Retention and Growth of Families, Faculty and Staff
  • Improvement and Enhancement of Facilities and Grounds
  • Deepen and Expand the Students Experience
  • Organizational Excellence

Accomplishing these goals will involve the entire community. We all have a place in co-creating our future.

JOIN US for the... 

Community Conversation: October 20, 2021 6:30 - 8:30 PM

Regular community conversations in the life of our school create opportunities to come together, share information and engage in dialogue. We value these conversations and encourage each family to participate as much and as often as possible. 

Topics for our conversation this month will include:

  • Building Community through meeting one another
  • Financial Update from Christian Canga, Treasurer
  • Development Update from Kate Davis, Development Chair
  • Strategic Planning Update from Members of the Board

We invite families to join us beginning at 6:30 PM for 20 minutes of social time before we begin at 6:50 PM. We plan to be outside around the pavilion so bring a camp chair and a blanket if the weather turns cold.We will have warm beverages and snacks to share. Please bring your own thermal mug.

Morgan Branson
Morgan Branson
Articles: 1698