Big Ugly Book Drive - Thank you & keep them coming!

Img 8016 1Shari stopped by yesterday and left with a trunk FULL of books, yet again! The 6th grade boys were gracious helpers, happily loading up the boxes for her. There are so many opportunities for good deeds during this Martinmas season, and we are humbled by the generosity of everyone who has brought in box after box of books for the Big Ugly Book Drive. Thank you! Keep them coming! This week's pickup put the total number of collected books over 42,000 - let's help reach the goal of 50,000!

Are you just hearing about the BIG UGLY BOOK DRIVE?

Read more here; Shari and her book drive were recently featured in the Chicago Tribune:

More details on Shari and the Big Ugly Book Drive can be found here on one of our earlier blog posts.

Morgan Branson
Morgan Branson
Articles: 1698