Dear Families and Friends,
In less than three weeks we will begin our 22nd year at Da Vinci Waldorf School! We will see many new faces, and plenty of old friends.
The first day of school is Tuesday, September 3rd. Early Childhood (Pre-K and Kindergarten) should arrive at 9:15 a.m. through the main door with a parent or caregiver. Doors open at 8:20 a.m. for students in the grades. Grades parents, please use the circle drive for drop off and have students enter through the west door. We invite you to join us at 8:45 a.m. in the back yard for the Rose Ceremony, which tenderly welcomes the first graders as they begin their journey through the grades. The day ends with our annual Potluck Picnic at 12:30 p.m. Please continue reading below to find out what food to bring. If you are unable to attend the picnic, please pick up your student(s) at 12:20 p.m.
Dates to Note:
- Tuesday, August 27th: First Grade Orientation Morning, 8:20 a.m.
- Tuesday, September 3rd: First Day of School with special schedule
8:20 a.m. Doors Open
8:30 a.m. Start for Grades
8:45 a.m. Rose Ceremony - all community members and guests are welcome
9:15 a.m. Start for EC (Tuesday ONLY)
9:15 a.m. New Parent Reception
12:30 p.m. Back-to-School Potluck Picnic
- Wednesday, September 11th: Picture Day
- Wednesday, September 11th: Back to School Night (Grades 2-7), 7:00 p.m.
Regular Daily Schedule:
- 8:20 a.m. Doors Open
- 8:30 a.m. Grades Start
- 8:30 a.m. EC Start
- 12:20-12:30 p.m. EC pickup
- 3:20-3:30 p.m. Grades pickup and EC Extended Day pickup
- 3:30-6:00 p.m. Aftercare (for Grades and EC)
Please welcome our new Early Childhood teachers:
- Kevin Kane is our new lead teacher in Apple Blossom Garden
- Monika Boguszewski joins us as assistant in Apple Blossom Garden.
- Sarah Canga has moved from assistant to lead Wonder Garden Teacher.
Returning this year to Early Childhood:
- Dina Fasman, Sunflower Garden lead teacher
- Sweta Jaganath, Sunflower Garden assistant
- Tuly Faden, Wonder Garden assistant
All of the Grades teaching staff are returning, as well as some new faces:
- Julia Bantner, First Grade
- Chris Ecklund, Second Grade
- Kristine Fiskum, Third and Fourth Grades
- Sarah Westlund, Fifth and Sixth Grade Morning Lesson
- Sarah DuRocher, Seventh Grade
- Lauren Moretti, Mandarin
- Nicole Griffith, Handwork
- Elizabeth English, Music & Orchestra; Speech & Drama
- Tuly Faden, Movement & Games; Farming & Gardening
The administrative staff are familiar faces with the addition of our new administrator:
- Marianne Fieber, Administrator
- Anita Zagraniczny, Finance and Development Director
- Elisa Kraus, Administration, Enrollment, Marketing, Media & Web
- Tony VerPlancke, Buildings and Grounds Manager
School Executive Council (SEC):
We welcome new members to this leadership team:
- Marianne Fieber (Administrator)
- Elizabeth English (Faculty Chair)
- Sarah DuRocher (Grades Chair)
- Dina Fasman (EC Chair).
The SEC makes many of the day-to-day decisions, with input from the faculty and board. You can learn more about this when you come to the community conversation on October 16th! We sincerely thank the outgoing SEC for their past years of service: Christine Grafft, Kristine Fiskum, Sarah Westlund, and Ieva Scoggin.
New and continuing programming in the Grades:
- Folk Dancing will continue with Jutta Distler and Terran Doehrer.
- Students will begin a Speech & Drama class with Ms. English once each week.
- Thanks to the efforts of the Giving Circle, students will experience two blocks of Eurythmy with Ms. Weber from Spring Valley, N.Y.
Thank you for choosing Da Vinci Waldorf School for your children’s education. As a member of a Waldorf community, you have the honor of knowing that you are helping prepare all of our students to take their place as creators and innovators of change in our world. Fostering community also comes with great stewardship. Your participation is valued and intrinsic to the school and our students. We are looking forward to a year of growing, learning and working together as we celebrate 100 years of Waldorf Education.
Elizabeth English
Faculty Chair