Apple Blossom Garden - A Word From Mrs. Ieva

Thanks so much to all who attended our first parent evening! It was wonderful to sit together, to share some tea and good conversations, and to learn a bit more about your child and yourselves. And also thank you so much for all of your help at the Harvest Festival. What a glorious day we had!

Last week I finished showing the puppet show "A little red house with no doors, no windows and star inside" (This week we will play it out. Shh. It is a secret.)

Our circle time imagination has been a story of Honey-bee, who visits three very different flowers, and tells each one a secret -- which fruit each will become, with help from the bee, and the sun's magic power.

"Inside the hive a treasure is made
Inside the honeycomb, honey is laid.
Inside the hive it is dark as night
Where bees make honey
From sun's golden light."

On Thursday we worked with wool and made little Honey bees. These little bees inspired children to create their own puppet show.

This week we entered the season of Michaelmas…a time for taming dragons, taking up one’s courage, and doing GOOD in this world. In that spirit, Mrs. Jen will grind grains with children on Monday, which we will make into bread on Wednesday. It will be a special dragon bread with treasures (almonds and raisins) inside.

On another note, in our circle time we will have a special "knighting" ceremony each day. A few different children each day will be "knighted" to go forth and do good deeds. They will choose a special treasure from a bag to take home. No need to talk to your child about me keep it special. I just want you to know that you may see a special treasure come home, and it is a gift.

Tuesday morning we will have lots of outdoor morning play, and apple washing. We'll peel and chop apples to make apple sauce for all three classes.


Mrs. Ieva

Morgan Branson
Morgan Branson
Articles: 1698