Apple Blossom Garden - Kindergarten Graduation

Dear Kindergarten Families,

Your Mighty Oaks will cross the rainbow bridge out of our early childhood program on Thursday, May 31. The ceremony will begin at 11:30 in the Apple Blossom Garden classroom where the nine graduates will present a puppet show to their families using the puppets each has created over the past few weeks.

Please feel welcome to bring immediate family. RSVP with how many will be attending.

Following the puppet show and bridge crossing ceremony, we will enjoy refreshments at a reception outside.

This ceremony culminates the time in our early childhood program. On the first day of first grade in the fall the children will be officially welcomed into the grade school program with a Rose Ceremony. Wherever your child is going from here, they go with much love and blessings for much happiness and all the best on their continued educational journey!

Warmly, Mrs. Ieva

Morgan Branson
Morgan Branson
Articles: 1688