Apple Blossom Garden - In the Classroom 12/27/2019

Apple Blossom Garden - Puppet Performances

The children and have been digging into their imagination while putting on their own puppet shows and full blown performances. After we watched the 2nd Grade perform their Saint Martin play for Martinmas, the Apple Blossom children created their own wonderful play.5140b33d d02a 4067 be5f 903ec5f98db3B79c4f8f d410 4ce1 bd91 d0d126d72d83E2fb7116 edbd 4f08 bd51 62f53b5984d7

Apple Blossom Garden - Imaginative Play

Outside, a few of the children spent some time in the morning making wands at the anvil. Once the snow left, the kids made “paint” to make whiskers and more. The imaginative play never stops!A8828798 e428 4060 ba92 287728630b7cBa8dc512 1dab 4c11 91ce 70586eef5adfF241a2c8 1ff0 491a b658 6e2645e2f50b

Apple Blossom Garden - A Secret Project

We all worked together measuring, sawing, and sanding our secret project—rolling pins! The children found out how hard sanding the wood smooth can be. The sawing mirrored our morning circle as well where we sawed down our imaginary Christmas tree together.

The last week of class we used the rolling pins to roll out gingerbread cookie stars.43c72d33 c846 4703 9629 3be5ca0c80faA3636894 2605 4fc0 a6c3 da441eb747f6Dfc128f2 9c7d 4002 9081 33ff894bf03f822ee411 5ff5 4982 ac52 97d87abfcfa881736722 e691 49e5 b733 e34b56079338

Morgan Branson
Morgan Branson
Articles: 1698