Apple Blossom Garden - First Weeks

Dear Families,

Thank you all for helping your children transition so smoothly to coming to school. As first weeks go in early childhood, it was smooth!!!! The children got along playing enthusiastically, and our circle time and story time was well attended by our young ones. I’m thankful to have seven Mighty Oaks (those children six or turning six this school year) who set such a good example, offered a friendly, helping hand, and were so eager to help.

These first two weeks at school we focused on holding a strong daily rhythm. This will be the focus of September as we learn what is expected and find our place in the culture of our classroom.

We had our first beeswax modeling, painting, and baking.

In story time, as Michaelmas time is approaching, I told the story of a boy whose father helped him make a kite. The kite traveled all the way to the stars and received Angel Michael's blessing, eventually turning into the shining sword and helping the boy do good deeds in the world.

Last week I started doing some fine motor work with our “Mighty Oaks.” I am showing them how to tie a butterfly bow. They are learning to tie first knots and then working this into making a bow which will come in very handy on bread making day when we tie aprons on each other with butterfly bows in the back. Please encourage tying at home with your six-year-old and soon to be six year old children.

Mrs. Jen had brought to our classroom monarch chrysalis. We have seen about 5 butterflies emerge and fly away. What a beauty!

Ms. Jen and I thank you for your children. They are a book that has never been read and is continually being written, so we have much to learn from them!

If you have any questions about the classroom or your child’s experience, please don’t hesitate to check in with me. Thanks so much.



Morgan Branson
Morgan Branson
Articles: 1698