9/03/21 COVID Update

Dear DVWS Community,

RE: Vaccination Mandate Compliance

On August 26, 2021, the State of Illinois issued an Executive Order stating ALL school personnel (including volunteers, serving in their role at school when other human beings are present, are considered school personnel and contractors providing services to schools) must be fully vaccinated against COVID-19. A first dose of a two-dose COVID-19 vaccine series or a single-dose COVID-19 vaccine is to be completed by September 5, 2021 and the series be complete with the second dose within 30 days following administration of the first dose.

This mandate does not include drop-off and pick-up of your child, or attending functions as a parent or guardian of the school. Parents planning to volunteer at the school or in the classroom, please contact the Office to submit appropriate documentation towards compliance with this mandate.

Individuals are exempt from the requirements to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 if vaccination is medically contraindicated but weekly testing will be required.

The faculty has supported an understanding that vaccination, like any healthcare decision, is a private matter between an individual and their healthcare provider. In order to comply with this State issued mandate we have made some agreements based on the following information.

Each employee is free to determine how they can meet this mandate either through vaccination or weekly testing. Each school personnel must present proof of documentation no later than the morning of September 7th.

Guest teachers and volunteers are free to determine how they can meet this mandate either through vaccination or testing. Each individual must present proof of documentation before they arrive at the school.

The categories below outline the steps toward compliance with the required documentation to be presented to Marianne Fieber, Administrator.

Category 1 - Fully Vaccinated

Please provide one of the following forms of proof of vaccination:

(1) A CDC COVID-19 vaccination record card or photograph of the card
(2) Documentation of vaccination from a health care provider or electronic health record (3) State immunization records

Category 2 - Unvaccinated, but plan to vaccinate

Please provide proof of a first shot of a vaccine by September 5th, as well as documentation of the date of a second shot that is scheduled to happen prior to October 5 , 2021.

Category 3 - Planning to test weekly

Personnel who have determined they will begin testing weekly must be prepared to present a negative COVID test result by the day prior to returning to school.

Employees and/or parent volunteers may choose either a PCR test or antigen test. There are many free testing options available (see list). Negative test results will be reported to Marianne Fieber prior to entering the school building. 

NOTE: Tests that are due on Monday may not be taken earlier than the preceding Friday. If you are a parent planning to volunteer at the school and need help determining when to take your test, please contact us.

Upholding our health and illness policy

Our health and illness policies will continue to be enforced and any faculty or staff member, regardless of vaccination status who is exhibiting signs of illness MUST be tested and receive a negative result prior to returning to work.

If a positive result is received we will follow the reporting guidelines with the county health department. Quarantine and contact tracing measures will be followed per the CDC and local health department guidance. The school will not make decisions on when a quarantine may be lifted following a positive COVID result without consulting with the Health Department.

In Service,

School Executive Council and Covid Task Force

Chris Ecklund, Kevin Kane, Margaret Myren
Matt Myren, Christian Canga and Marianne Fieber

Sec and covid task force

Morgan Branson
Morgan Branson
Articles: 1698