1st Grade - In the Classroom 11/8/2019

1st Grade Math Block

We have been noticing math all around us. On our weekly hikes we see the numbers on the lady bugs backs, and we count her legs. We see how many petals there are on a flower, and how many sides of the different leaves . During Friday Feast we count the plates and cups while we set the table. We calculate how many honey spoons we need to make delicious tea.

The class is very excited to recognize the numbers that all around us.

B7782ef1 1be7 45b0 8223 19836de1cf423ddc5513 0a55 4262 8812 0fc9039c52fd2976cf27 53b6 466e a0ee 4e9d8630492eA3a9fe96 e646 434b 9153 ea3e066467e4

F05e7b60 8842 4b73 8cf0 8267de63a661

First graders experience the change of the seasons first hand during their weekly hikes at Lakewood Forest Preserve.

693166ca 043c 4851 8180 6e2412d7f3517c8b22b9 7bdb 43a4 9b7c 882f9fe4fa95528941dd 8d05 44ad 9249 4965d3fdac5f60905c7b 4ced 41b0 bdea 2e485cdb89d8

First graders enjoying a nature lesson.

5a0ec248 6075 4dbc b1e2 13ef228130de

Morgan Branson
Morgan Branson
Articles: 1698