3rd & 4th Grades - In the Classroom 2/16/2020

3rd & 4th Grades

Third grade began the Living on Earth block with a study of primitive homes. Students explored what kind of house could be made from the natural materials in the environment. We thought about what other environments are like and how houses would be different depending on the climate, weather, and flora. Some students shared experiences visiting or hearing about other parts of the world.

Soon each student will create a model house that they will share with the school community. Each will represent how humans find and make shelter from what the earth offers.

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4th Grade - Human & Animal Study

Fourth grade began a much anticipated study of animals and how they relate to humanity physically and behaviorally. We began with head-like animals such as the cuttlefish, illustrated, and the octopus, in watercolor.

Soon we will explore torso animals, and finally those that primarily use their limbs.

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3rd & 4th Grades - The Story of Moses

The classes together continued to hear the stories of Moses, here shown painted as an infant, and the saga of the Hebrews who were in search of an identity a and a homeland.

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3rd & 4th Grades - Handwork

The third and fourth graders tried their hands at carding wool last week. Wool carding involves separating and straightening sheep’s wool using two brushes (carders) so that the fibers can be used to make fiber art or for spinning yarn. The carding brushes resemble large pet brushes but are made specifically for preparing wool fibers. The students will use these fibers in future classes to drop spin their own yarn!

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Morgan Branson
Morgan Branson
Articles: 1698