Michaelmas - A Festival of Courage - Please Bring Food Pantry Donations

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Michaelmas season is here once again! Students will kick off this month-long celebration during the school day Friday, September 28th.

Grades students will not need to bring snack or lunch this Friday, 9/28.

The school will provide the necessary ingredients for this shared meal, although donations are welcome for groceries. Each class is responsible for part of the meal and its distribution. Students will bake, churn, chop or pop the healthy and nutritious food we’ll share. After snack and lunch prep is complete, classes will have time with their teacher to craft a Michaelmas-themed project. See below for a schedule of the day.

Please bring food donations beginning this week and throughout the Michaelmas season.

In the spirit of Michaelmas, we give the children opportunities for deeds that engage their wills and help them to think of others. As such, our school will collect food pantry donations from all students, parents, and the community from now until Thanksgiving.  Watch the Weekly News for more details about our annual Food Drive and Pantry Walk.

What is Michaelmas?

Beginning this Friday and lasting one full month, Michaelmas is a time of courage, of battling dragons, and of overcoming struggles. Michaelmas is an ancient festival celebrated in most Waldorf schools; it epitomizes an important aspect of Waldorf education—self ­development. The celebration commemorates the Archangel Michael, and the archetype he represents—one who overcomes or transforms evil through intelligence, courage and strength. Michael displays the activity that is the essence of the human being—again, self ­development.

We, as human beings, have the possibility of personal transformation. We all have our own dragons, our own lower, less noble aspects. Our egoism, greed and selfishness can be overcome as we evolve as individuals. Michaelmas is a reminder of this process as we strive toward our full human potential.

For children, Michaelmas and themes of courage are manifested in activities of the will. The child's will and imagination are nurtured by activities of the season (picking apples, harvest work, grinding grain, planting bulbs, etc.) and tales which tell of courage, strength and bravery, and of facing fears. These deeds and stories carry with them the universal truths this festival represents.

Grades Schedule of Events for Friday

8:30  Grades students and teachers will meet outside for iron ringing. The dragon will be sure to appear!

8:45  Grades will enjoy an assembly. A Michaelmas story of battle and courage will be shared and students will be led in singing. As with each weekly assembly, students and their teacher will share a song or poem they have been working with during their class time.

9:30  Grades students will return to their classrooms to prepare the shared meal, performing tasks such as butter churning, cheese slicing, popcorn popping, vegetable harvesting and chopping, bread baking, and soup making.

10:30  Snack of popcorn and clementines

11:00  Activity and crafting time

12:20  Lunch of vegetable soup, fresh rolls and butter

1:20-2:00 Folk dances, call and response

2:00-3:20 Grades students will celebrate with kite flying, a meteor ball throwing challenge, and group games.

Faculty and staff are looking forward to a wonderful in-school festival with your children. It will be a fruitful and fun day of celebration!

Morgan Branson
Morgan Branson
Articles: 1698